Blue Diary

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Blue Diary
A lesbian spends a night with a straight woman. The next morning, she faces her unfulfilled expectations. Her thoughts relentlessly circle her desires and the indifference with which they are met. In an almost inexhaustible stream of consciousness that is simultaneously obsessive and tender, she relives the previous night which has gone nowhere; just like the streets and cul-de-sacs of San Francisco that seem to reflect her own mood in a deliberately laconic montage. Here, film historian Jenni Olson, who was also involved in the restoration of Buddies, finds a form for the relationship between words and images that is deeply touching in its simplicity.
6 min -
United States -
Year of Presentation
2019 -
Year of Production
1997 -
Jenni Olson -
Production Company
Bufton, Emma -
Berlinale Section
Panorama -
Berlinale Category