
Sex on the metro! The director has taken footage shot in a completely empty compartment on the London underground and married it to the off-camera reading of a pornographic text that includes detailed masturbation instructions for a female rider. The whole sexy trip, driven by musical clinking sounds, is framed by images of a woman in black bandages using a leather whip for self-flagellation. Take a ride on the wild side!
5 min -
Germany -
Year of Presentation
2019 -
Year of Production
1990 -
Eva Heldmann -
Production Company
Berlinale Section
Retrospective -
Berlinale Category
pictures from the movie

Biography Eva Heldmann
Born on 18.6.1951. Founded and curated the repertory cinema ‘Mondpalast’ in Niederbrechen near Limburg. Cinema programmer for the ‘Werkstattkino Mal seh’n’ cinema in Frankfurt from 1987-89. From 1984 onwards, she was one of the organisers of the Frankfurt Film Show. Became managing director of the Hesse Film Office in 1998. Has worked as an assistant director to Mara Matischka and Charly Weller
Filmography Eva Heldmann
2002 Duméla Ladies | 2007 Five Sex Rooms und eine Küche | 2012 Riverred