Game Girls

Skid Row in Los Angeles is the infamous ‘homeless capital’ of the USA. Anyone who is trying to learn the rules of the game and survive here has a really tough time, as the stories of the two protagonists of this film, Teri and Tiahna, reveal. Life for this lesbian couple is a constant round of prison, alcoholism and drug peddling, but there is hope, too. Their biographies are typical for the lives of Afro- American women living on the edge of American society. During a workshop initiated by the filmmaker for women in this community, they address their memories and their traumas and embark on a process of transformation during which they come into view as self- determining subjects rather than as victims. Social protests against homelessness in the neighbourhood, or the ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaign are just as much a part of their lives as is the matter-of-fact way in which they choose to live as lesbians, or their bitter struggle with the authorities for their own four walls. The film’s intimate, observational camerawork helps tell the story of two women
who manage to escape Skid Row but who are nonetheless bound by the constraints of their environment.
90.0 min -
France, Germany -
Year of Presentation
2018 -
Year of Production
2018 -
Alina Skrzeszewska -
Production Company
Films de Force Majeure -
Berlinale Section
Panorama -
Berlinale Category
Documentary Film
pictures from the movie
Filmography Alina Skrzeszewska
2010 Songs from the Nickel | 2013 Dear Comrade | 2013 Traviesos