

"I have loved you since our first meeting and I will love you until the end of my days." - England 1905. Angel Deverell, a young, highly talented writer from a poor background, has had brilliant success with her escapistic social novels. As a result, all the dreams that young women of her age dream come true for. But success, fame and great love - isn't that too much after all? The brilliant ascent is followed by the unstoppable crash ...
François Ozon's film is based on a 1957 social novel by British author Elizabeth Taylor (1912-1975). Ozone first came into contact with "Angel" about five years ago: "I immediately felt that a film adaptation of the book would give me the opportunity to grapple with a romantic universe and give rise to a great epic in the tradition of Melodramas of the 30s and 40s, in which the fate of a brilliant personality could be told according to the rules of 'rise and fall' and then I fell in love with the figure of this angel, which amused, fascinated and finally deeply touched me In the novel , people often seem grotesque, Elizabeth Taylor's look at Angel, her books and behavior are very ironic,you also have to be enchanted by it. Thereupon appeared immediately Scarlett O'Hara in my mind's eye, a figure the English say: 'You love and hate her at the same time.' "


  • Länge

    137 min
  • Land

    Großbritannien, Belgien, Frankreich
  • Vorführungsjahr

  • Herstellungsjahr

  • Regie

    François Ozon
  • Mitwirkende

    Romola Garai, Sam Neill, Charlotte Rampling, Lucy Russell, Michael Fassbender, Jacqueline Tong, Janine Duvitski, Christopher Benjamin, Jemma Powell, Simon Woods, Alison Pargeter, Seymour Matthews, Tom Georgeson, Una Stubbs, Rosanna Lavelle, Geoffrey Streatfield, Roger Morlidge, Teresa Churcher
  • Produktionsfirma

    Fidélité Films
  • Berlinale Sektion

  • Berlinale Kategorie


Biografie François Ozon

Der 1967 in Paris, Frankreich, geborene Regisseur und Drehbuchautor studierte an der Filmschule La Fémis und ist heute einer der renommiertesten Filmemacher seines Landes. Sein Werk war bereits viermal im Wettbewerb der Berlinale zu sehen, wobei das Ensemble eines seiner erfolgreichsten Filme, der Komödie 8 femmes , 2002 den Silbernen Bären gewann. Im Jahr 2012 war er Mitglied der Internationalen Jury. Er hat vier Filme mit Charlotte Rampling gedreht, die in diesem Jahr den Goldenen Ehrenbären für ihr Lebenswerk erhält; Sous le Sable und Swimming Pool sind beide in der Hommage zu sehen.

Filmografie François Ozon

1999 Ein kriminelles Paar | 2000 Unter dem Sand | 2002 8 Frauen | 2003 Swimming Pool | 2005 Die Zeit die bleibt | 2009 Rückkehr ans Meer | 2013 Young and Beautiful | 2017 Der andere Liebhaber