Self-Portrait in 23 Rounds: a Chapter in David Wojnarowicz's Life, 1989-1991

Der politische Künstler, Maler, Schriftsteller, Performer und Fotograf David Wojnarowicz gehörte zu den führenden Persönlichkeiten der New Yorker Künstlerszene der 1980er-Jahre. Mit schonungsloser Offenheit spricht er in einem 1989 von dem Kulturtheoretiker Sylvère Lotringer geführten Interview über intime Lebensmomente, Schaffensprozesse, Sexualität, Aids und die Konfrontation mit dem eigenen Tod – zu einer Zeit, in der die Gesellschaft die Auseinandersetzung mit der Aids-Epidemie rigoros verweigerte. Marion Scemama, die mit Wojnarowicz eng befreundet war und bei dem Interview die Kamera übernahm, schuf aus diesem Material sowie bislang nie gezeigten Werken des Künstlers aus dessen und ihrem eigenen Privatarchiv einen unvergleichlichen Essay. Indem sie seine charismatischen Äußerungen mit Ausschnitten aus seinen Arbeiten verwebt, gelingt ihr ein tief berührender Blick in die Seele eines Mannes, der seine Verletzlichkeit in vielfältiger ästhetischer Form exponierte. Gemeinsam mit dem Essay-Dokument Fear of Disclosure von Phil Zwickler und David Wojnorowicz verweist der Film auf die parallel zur Berlinale eröffnende Ausstellung in den Kunst-Werken Berlin – KW Institute for Contemporary Art: „David Wojnarowicz: Fotografie & Film 1978-1992“.
78.0 min -
Frankreich -
2019 -
2018 -
Marion Scemama -
David Wojnarowicz -
Marion Scemama Film -
Berlinale Sektion
Panorama -
Berlinale Kategorie
Bilder aus dem Film

Biografie David Wojnarowicz
David Wojnarowicz (1954-1992) became known in the art scene of New York's East Village in the 1980s when, through the use of a variety of media, he created a broad spectrum of artistic works that were both passionately political and highly personal. Although largely self-taught, Wojnarowicz, as an artist and writer, succeeded in fusing an ingenious combination of found and discarded materials with an extraordinary knowledge of literary influences. Initially exhibited in rough shop-window galleries, his works soon gained nationwide recognition. After being diagnosed with HIV in the late 1980s, Wojnarowicz began to campaign for the rights of the queer community. At that time, when a generation of artists* died in the AIDS epidemic, his artistic work also became unmistakably political. From the late 1970s until his death in 1992, Wojnarowicz created work that was as conceptually rigorous as it was stylistically diverse.
KW Institute for Contemporary Art is pleased to present Photography & Film 1978-1992, an exhibition that for the first time is exclusively devoted to Wojnarowicz's photographic and filmic work. On show will be over 150 works, including photographs and test prints, silkscreens, 16mm and Super 8 films, and collaborative video works. The exhibition will then be presented at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery in Vancouver (CA).
As part of the exhibition, the film Self-Portrait in 23 Rounds: A Chapter in David Wojnarowicz's Life 1989-1991 (2018) by French photographer and filmmaker Marion Scemama will be shown at the Pogo Bar. There will be no film screening on the following days: 14 February, 14 March, 18 and 28 April.
Parallel to the exhibition, the Berlinale section Panorama will show the short film Fear of Disclosure (1989) by Phil Zwickler and David Wojnarowicz as well as the essay document Self-Portrait in 23 Rounds: A Chapter in David Wojnarowicz's Life 1989-1991 (2018) by Marion Scemama in the anniversary programme Panorama 40.