39th Teddy Award

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The 39th Teddy Award GOES to . . .
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Interview with Leela Varghese & Emma Hough Hobbs about "LESBIAN SPACE PRINCESS".

Überschrift Teddy goes Oscar


Talks & Events

    1. Introduction to the queer Films of the Berlinale

      Admission 7:00 pm

      SchwuZ Queer Club
      Rollbergstr. 26
      12053 Berlin

    1. TEDDY Jury Reception

      Doors 22:00
      The traditional introduction to our TEDDY Jury
      as part of the

      SchwuZ Queer Club
      Rollbergstraße 26
      12053 Berlin

    1. TEDDY Talents Talk: Listen To Your Heart!

      Hallesches Ufer 34
      10963 Berlin

    1. TEDDY Talk: Queer Creations Part 3

      GROPIUS BAU Kino
      Niederkirchnerstraße 7
      10963 Berlin

    2. Queer Your Program; Speedy Film Pitches

      Thirty Filmmakers whose films are ready for distribution will present their projects within two-minute pitches to programmers, distributors and sales agents.

      GROPIUS BAU Kino
      Niederkirchnerstraße 7
      10963 Berlin

    3. QUEER Industry Reception

      The annual gathering of industry professionals from the Queer Film Industry, from filmmakers to programmers, to distributors and sales agents.

      GROPIUS BAU Lichthof
      Niederkirchnerstraße 7
      10963 Berlin

Current Festivals

Roze Filmdagen; Amsterdam LGBTQ Film Festival

Amsterdam - The Netherlands

BFI Flare: London LGBT Fllm Festival

London - Great Britain

Five Films For Freedom

online -

Internationales FrauenFilmFestival Dortmund | Köln

Köln - Germany
