39th Teddy Award

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TODAY: Introduction to the Queer Films 2025
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The JURY 2025
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TEDDY AWARD Ceremony - Get your ticket now
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Überschrift Teddy goes Oscar


  • The Jury of the 39th TEDDY AWARD

    We are pleased to present the international jury for the 39th TEDDY AWARD. Three experienced film and festival professionals will view all films with a queer main plot from the Berlinale’s ...

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  • The films of the 39. TEDDY AWARD

    We are delighted to present this year’s films for the 39th TEDDY AWARD. Full information on the films will be announced on February 4, 2025 and can be accessed here.

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  • TEDDY AWARD Presskit 2025

    The Programme Press Conference for the 75th Berlin International Film Festival with an outlook on the films will be held on January 21, 2025, at 11 am at ...

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  • With the TEDDY AWARD to queer festivals around the world

    The French airline Air France is giving away a flight voucher for 2 people to a desired destination in the Air France route network, including all taxes and fees for outward and return ...

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  • 39. TEDDY AWARD Ceremony

    How often have you dreamt about being up close at the biggest queer film award ceremony? Experience its outstanding actors and directors live and in color? The TEDDY has awoken from ...

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Talks & Events

    1. Introduction to the queer Films of the Berlinale

      Admission 7:00 pm

      SchwuZ Queer Club
      Rollbergstr. 26
      12053 Berlin

    1. TEDDY Jury Reception

      Doors 22:00
      The traditional introduction to our TEDDY Jury
      as part of the

      SchwuZ Queer Club
      Rollbergstraße 26
      12053 Berlin

    1. TEDDY Talents Talk: Listen To Your Heart!

      Hallesches Ufer 34
      10963 Berlin

    1. TEDDY Talk: Queer Creations Part 3

      GROPIUS BAU Kino
      Niederkirchnerstraße 7
      10963 Berlin

    2. Queer Your Program; Speedy Film Pitches

      Thirty Filmmakers whose films are ready for distribution will present their projects within two-minute pitches to programmers, distributors and sales agents.

      GROPIUS BAU Kino
      Niederkirchnerstraße 7
      10963 Berlin

    3. QUEER Industry Reception

      The annual gathering of industry professionals from the Queer Film Industry, from filmmakers to programmers, to distributors and sales agents.

      GROPIUS BAU Lichthof
      Niederkirchnerstraße 7
      10963 Berlin

Interview with Anthony Schatteman, director of "YOUNG HEARTS"

Current Festivals

Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival in Kingston

Kingston, ON - Canada

Festival des images aux mots Occitanie

Occitanie - France

Mardi Gras Film Festival

Sydney - Australia
