One Big Bag

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© Every Ocean Hughes
A millennial death doula introduces us to the world of end-of-life care. With a matter-of-fact demeanor and intense physicality, she guides us into the largely uncharted waters of corpse care—practical, political, and spiritual. She performs her knowledge within a field of props that are the tools of her trade, kept in a “mobile corpse kit”—everyday items that she manipulates to profound use. The film, drawn from workshops, research, and interviews conducted with several end-of-life doulas from different cultural backgrounds, is a skill share, threaded with humor, grief, unknowing, and a desire for justice. The doula’s work encourages us to turn towards that which we strive so hard to avoid.
40 min -
United States, Great Britain -
Year of Presentation
2022 -
Year of Production
2021 -
Every Ocean Hughes -
Lindsay Rico -
Production Company
Berlinale Section
Forum Expanded -
Berlinale Category
Experimental Film