
Tina doesn’t know much about the schoolgirl in the Hijab. She might come from Egypt or Iraq – but what does it matter? She would like to be there for her neighbour, protect her from her tough life at home and in the hood but how comes Tina thinks she knows so much about this foreign girl? Dana starts wondering why the blond girl has been paying her so much attention of late. Prejudice and tentative advances collide head-on in the block.
17 min -
Great Britain -
Year of Presentation
2016 -
Year of Production
2015 -
Toby Fell-Holden -
Umit Ulgen, Genevieve Dunne, Charlotte Beaumont -
Production Company
ClipsideFilms -
Berlinale Section
Generation -
Berlinale Category
Biography Toby Fell-Holden
He lives and works in London. After obtaining
a BA in philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford University, he graduated from the MFA programme at Columbia University School of the Arts in New York. His graduation film LITTLE SHADOW was long-listed for a BAFTA and nominated by the Casting Society of America (CSA). In 2014 he wrote the internationally successful short film SUBORDINATE, directed by Clara Leac.
Filmography Toby Fell-Holden
2009 Nova Scotia | 2009 Walking the Dog | 2012 Blackwood | 2013 Little Shadow | 2014 Subordinate