Dreams in Nightmares


After losing her job, Z embarks on a trip across the American Midwest. Together with her two closest friends, she is searching for another friend of theirs who has seemingly disappeared off the grid. In each city, the three queer Black femmes face new threats that test their priorities, causing personal and ideological fractures to emerge. With their second film, Shatara Michelle Ford puts their own singular stamp on the American road movie. Dreams in Nightmares is an expansive and tender ode to the chosen family and to the radical act of claiming space to dream – and to exist – in an increasingly fraught country.


  • Runtime

    128 min
  • Country

    United States, Taiwan, Great Britain
  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    Shatara Michelle Ford
  • Cast

    Denée Benton, Mars Storm Rucker, Dezi Bing, Sasha Compere, Charlie Barnett, Jasmin Savoy Brown
  • Production Company

    120E Films, Spark Features, Paradise City
  • Berlinale Section

  • Berlinale Category

    Feature Film

dates of presentation

    1. Zoo Palast 1

      Hardenbergstraße 29A
      10623 Berlin

    1. Cubix 9

      Rathausstr. 1
      10178 Berlin

    1. Haus der Berliner Festspiele

      Schaperstraße 24
      10719 Berlin

    1. Filmtheater am Friedrichshain

      Bötzowstraße 1-5
      10407 Berlin

    1. Urania

      An der Urania 17
      10787 Berlin