
Moritz arrives in Berlin with no particular plans. He might study art history, but there is no rush, he is only 22. He has moved here to be with his boyfriend Jonas, an attractive photographer who is a little more accustomed to the easy-going, noncommittal ways of the city. But then their relationship suddenly comes to an end. Devastated and alone, Moritz becomes a seeker. His first foray takes him to a gym. Little by little his fashion, his friends and his drugs start to change. His life becomes more and more nocturnal, and he begins to live out his repressed desires.
With a documentary-like sensibility, Hannes Hirsch’s feature-length debut sensitively depicts a new start in Berlin’s gay scene. Body images and notions of masculinity are constantly being negotiated, sexual constellations and identities are changing, and insecurities are sedated with the intoxicating rush of the next encounter. But Moritz’s vulnerability is always discernible. In this way, Drifter looks beneath the seductive surface of a night culture that knows no bounds and its short-lived games, revealing the actual people rather than celebrating the cliché.
79 min -
Germany -
Year of Presentation
2023 -
Year of Production
Hannes Hirsch -
Lorenz Hochhuth, Cino Djavid, Gustav Schmidt, Oscar Hoppe, Marie Tragousti, Aviran Edri, Catalin Jugravu, Karim Alexandre-Howard, Rabea Egg, Elaine Cameron -
Production Company
Milieufilm GbR Hirsch u. Kemmesies, Jost Hering Filme, Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH -
Berlinale Section
Panorama -
Berlinale Category
Feature Film