La Tour de Glace


Colder than ice, her kiss pierces the heart ... It is the 1970s and, drawn by the lights of the city in the valley below, 16-year-old Jeanne runs away from a children’s home high in the mountains. She takes refuge in a film studio which she secretly explores at night. By day, the film The Snow Queen is being shot there, starring the enigmatic Cristina in the title role. Jeanne falls instantly under the spell of the beautiful, tormented star. A mutual fascination develops between the actor and the girl. Little by little, Jeanne starts to play an increasingly important role in the shoot. As her obsession with the Snow Queen’s realm grows, between set and screen, film and reality merge in a magical, labyrinthine game. But there is a price to pay. Does Jeanne love the Snow Queen enough to make the sacrifice she demands?


  • Runtime

    118 min
  • Country

    Germany, France
  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    Lucile Hadžihalilović
  • Cast

    Marion Cotillard, Clara Pacini, August Diehl, Gaspar Noé, Marine Gesbert
  • Production Company

    3B Productions, Davis Films, Sutor Kolonko, Arte France, Bayerischer Rundfunk
  • Berlinale Section

  • Berlinale Category

    Feature Film

dates of presentation

    1. Berlinale Palast

      Am Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 1
      10785 Berlin

    1. Uber Eats Music Hall

    2. HKW 1 - Miriam Makeba Auditorium

      John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
      10557 Berlin

    1. Berlinale Palast

      Am Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 1
      10785 Berlin

    1. Zoo Palast 1

      Hardenbergstraße 29A
      10623 Berlin