O último azul

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O último azul © Guillermo Garza, Desvia
Tereza, 77, has lived her whole life in a small industrialised town in the Amazon, until one day she receives an official government order to relocate to a senior housing colony. The colony is an isolated area where the elderly are brought to “enjoy” their final years, freeing the younger generation to focus fully on productivity and growth. Tereza refuses to accept this imposed fate. Instead, she embarks on a transformative journey through the rivers and tributaries of the Amazon to fulfil one last wish before her freedom is taken away – a decision that will change her destiny forever.
86 min -
Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Netherlands -
Year of Presentation
2025 -
Year of Production
2025 -
Gabriel Mascaro -
Denise Weinberg, Rodrigo Santoro, Adanilo, Miriam Socorrás -
Production Company
Desvia, Cinevinay, Quijote, Viking Films -
Berlinale Section
Competition -
Berlinale Category
Feature Film
dates of presentation
Berlinale Palast
Am Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 1
10785 Berlin
An der Urania 17
10787 Berlin -
Uber Eats Music Hall
Uber Eats Music Hall