Sous ma fenêtre, la boue


The 14-year-old Emma lives with one of her mothers, Hélène. Her other mother lives far away. Emma rarely sees her, but projects the image of the perfect mother onto her, while she treats Hélène with resentment and hostility. This duality of roles offers Emma a sense of reassurance. But then an argument with Hélène forces Emma to question these attributions. Meanwhile Hélène, for her part, becomes aware of her own contradictions. Neither of them is used to having such an emotional confrontation (anymore). They awkwardly begin to search for a common path.


  • Runtime

    13 min
  • Country

    France, Belgium
  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    Violette Delvoye
  • Cast

    Gabriella Zola, Jasmina Douieb, Stéphanie Coerten
  • Production Company

    La Cellule Productions, OZÙ Productions
  • Berlinale Section

  • Berlinale Category


dates of presentation

    1. Urania

      An der Urania 17
      10787 Berlin

    1. Cubix 6

      Rathausstr. 1
      10178 Berlin

    2. Zoo Palast 2

      Hardenbergstraße 29A
      10623 Berlin

    1. Zoo Palast 2

      Hardenbergstraße 29A
      10623 Berlin

    1. Stage Bluemax Theater

    1. Filmtheater am Friedrichshain

      Bötzowstraße 1-5
      10407 Berlin

    2. Cubix 9

      Rathausstr. 1
      10178 Berlin