Young Hearts

In the middle of the school year, 14-year-old Elias meets his new neighbour Alexander, a boy from Brussels who seems self-confident and headstrong. The two quickly hit it off. Alexander asks Elias if he has a girlfriend – and reveals without hesitation that he’s into boys himself. Elias enjoys spending time with Alexander but keeps his burgeoning feelings to himself. Afraid of the reactions of those around him, he becomes entangled in a web of lies until he no longer knows how to extricate himself apart from to push Alexander away. Elias feels completely alone. However, after a heartfelt conversation with his grandfather about how much he loved his deceased wife, Elias realises that love is too precious to let it slip away. He has to find a way to win Alexander back...
97 min -
Belgium, Netherlands -
Year of Presentation
2024 -
Year of Production
2024 -
Anthony Schatteman -
Lou Goossens, Marius De Saeger, Geert Van Rampelberg, Emilie De Roo, Dirk Van Dijck -
Production Company
Polar Bear -
Berlinale Section
Generation -
Berlinale Category
Feature Film
pictures from the movie

Biography Anthony Schatteman
The director’s films focus on the world of young people and their relationships, shaped by their awakening sexuality. Paying great attention to emotions that are difficult to express, he portrays universal characters with whom it is easy to identify. His debut short film Kiss Me Softly won awards at film festivals around the world. Four more shorts followed. Between 2020 and 2022, he directed four drama series, including the Irish series Northern Lights. He is making his feature debut with Young Hearts.
Filmography Anthony Schatteman
2012 Kus me zachtjes (Kiss Me Softly) | 2015 Volg me (Follow Me) | 2016 Dag Vreemde Man (Hello, Stranger) | 2017 Petit Ami | 2021 L’Homme Inconnu | 2023 Northern Lights; Serie, Episode 5–6 | 2024 Young Hearts