Tytöt tytöt tytöt

“Shouldn’t you feel it at first glance?” - “How depressing would it be if that was true!”
It’s Friday night and just like every other week, best friends Rönkkö and Mimmi are busy beating back the darkness of the Finnish winter with an irrepressible lust for life and love. With her quirky wit, Rönkkö stands out at every party and has no trouble getting the boys’ attention – yet how do you turn desire into fulfilment? When Mimmi loses her temper, you might find yourself on the wrong end of her hockey stick. But when she falls in love with the graceful figure skater Emma, everything suddenly seems bright and easy. With its episodic narrative, Alli Haapasalo’s film tells a story of friendship, and of three exhilaratingly headstrong individuals trying to wrest dreams from reality and redefining relationships and sexuality along the way.
100 min -
Finland -
Year of Presentation
2022 -
Year of Production
2022 -
Alli Haapasalo -
Aamu Milonoff, Eleonoora Kauhanen, Linnea Leino -
Production Company
Berlinale Section
Generation -
Berlinale Category
Feature Film